About me: Hello, Im a roblox bedwars youtuber comming from germany. I do shorts but from time to time also other stuff.
Chanal-link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsGR7mtsIklWPfvpmetrXA Tips and tricks:
Make items to have no limit: Take for example teslas but also landmines or also smoke blocks (to the few ppl who use this kit). You probably know that in the 9th min of any match a vending mashine spawns in and when it spawns and actually lands place it on the block it would land on before it spawns. And when it lands you have the possiblity to place infinite tesla coils.
Ghost block: you know ist a little hard getting the ghost block since they maybe patched it or it requires perfect timing. But what if in told you thre is an easier way. First u need to get a steal ball in lucky blocks and then throw it at someone whos hold a certain type of block and now u have a ghost block
Most op kit combination: You probably all know how you can combine baker with for example aery kit, but what if i told you you can do more. On top of all oft hat i dare you to get a friend with conquerer kit who can give you banners and just fort he top oft he cherry get a friend with lumen kit who can give you his sword.
5 Enchants at once: You know how the conquerer can spawn banners which give you an enchant for a certain amout of time and there are 3 diffrent banners (fire, anti-knockback, healing) and then go tot he enchant table and role for critical strike, after you got critical strike you can role for any enchant u wish, because critical strike stays afterwards. Then place all banner in a fight or fort he wanted situation and you will have 5 enchants
Life steal: Well the enchant alone is overpowered, but since many people call you still a hacker when you use it i better explain. Life steal steals people health, but then more peple u attack then more health you get back and in 30v30 you can basicly heal infinitly.
Life-steal enchant Duplicate items: This is how you and your enemie can duplicate items. First get the clingy enchant then get emeralds diamond or iron. Then let that person kill. But because oft he enchant you get the items back but the enemie has them too and if theyre a nice fan or a friend, maybe he will give the items to you
Best ways to steal enemies items: U like stealing other peoples items (only ingame hopefuly) well then i got a tip just for you: use pyro (ik its an limited item kit even though it went on sale for a few mins) and get plunder 2 and well then go to any player in the best occasion to theyre generator and steal theyre item this would be op in 30v30.
Croco-Wolf Steal from teammates: And if your really desprate to get some extra recourses and are to lazy to get tot he enemies base but you somehow got the jack kit, then this is just for you. First get the enchantment table and try getting the plunder 2 enchant and some oil blobs. And then at best wait for the team to get tier 3 generator, so u can get the valubale recourses. Now you can throw the blobs in and take some oft he teammates items.
Yuzi double hit: When you charge up yuzi and open the ur invetory or go tot he shop and buy something tghe bar stays up then u can charge against a person and also hit them soon after. This trick is now even better, since they buffed dash damage by 20%.
Overpowered Kit combinations:
Baker + any combat kit :Baker is a good kit to support any combat as it can give speed pies for speed boost and apples which allow you to heal almost instantly if you have enough.
Barbarian with apple from baker kit Barbarian + pyro: This combo allowes the barberian to get easier rage due tot he brittle damage by pyro and also a lower chance of dying. Pyro can also get the embers to upgrade his flamethrower abilities. Ist a win win and in my opinion one oft he most overpowered combinations.
Barbarian + Melody: This combo allowes the barberian to rush where he wants while getting healed. Then better the armor then more affective tghe healing.
Conqueror+ Archer: This combination allowes the banners tob e used over longer range. While it wouldbe also very effective in a close combat fight, i find it over long range for targeted eliminations with an overpowered tactical crossbow better.
Aery + Lumen: The lumen sword is like an diamond sword with the power to send a shock wave towards other players. In normal use ist like a normal sword but if they have low health and start to run, there is a chance the shockwave will finish them off.
Aery with Lumen sword Conqerer + Aery + Lumen: This is a possible triple-kit-combination. There u can get a sword with the shockwave ability and banners from the conquerer. This combination will allow you to get extra enchants to use for getting kills and use the shockwave to do extra damage. Maybe not the best combo but surely an interesting one.
Baker + Barberian + Pyro: This is an interesting and overpowered kit combination. The combat kits are the pyro and the barbarian kit. The barberian and pyro are a top tier combination where both get their upgrades from combat and helping each other will help to get the wanted upgrades fort he kit (the pyro gets embers from the kill and the barbarian gets extra damage boost from the flamethrower and can get easier rage).
Pyro + Barbarian Live-Gamecode (bedwars):